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How to treat Acne

Know About Acne And Its Teeatments

Acne is a skin disorder that confronts a lot of people in all over the world.Not only teens but there are and adults too who are affected from this acne disease.Undeniable reports have revealed that acne can cause personal suffering and it may even lower the individual’s confidence.All of them , who are the victims of this acne skin disorder may have got disturbed easily and feel dejected.With all these feelings , this is certain that most of the acne patients try hard to get rid of acne and run after all the methods to treat acne and make their skin better.

But, is there really an acne cure?For so many years, a lot of studies have been conducted for treating acne. Until today, there is no “magic” treatment for acne that can cure acne completely and remove whiteheads and blackheads from your skin , but at the same time there are some products that claims the same..Nonetheless, this is a good news that there are now a number of such products easily available in the market and are been used to cure acne.These acne cures generally vary according to the manner of application, the seriousness of the acne condition, and to the kind of the acne patient’s skin.

The commonly used acne cures are those which are available over-the-counter such as pills, creams ,commercially prepared astringents etc.These acne cures are actually non-prescription products that are to some degree proved capable for eradicating the whiteheads and blackheads. Some of these acne cures are are capable in peeling off the skin and so the new skin appears which is a lot clear and fresh.

There are also some acne cures , which are available on prescription only and these are mainly antibiotics.These types of Acne cure , generally treats acne by attacking the bacterias responsible for the acne formation and thus helps in preventing further acne problems. Nevertheless, there are many situations that acne may become unaffected by these forms of acne cure, turning them ineffective in the end. It is alsoworth noting that topical antibiotics have certain undesirable side effects that need to be considered before opting for one of them.

Apart from the topical antibiotics, there are also oral antibiotics.The demerits which came into account after using this form of acne cure is that these are to be taken orally and the outcome of this can affect the whole body .Nausea and Dizziness are some of the other common side-effects of these acnue cures . So you should consult your doctor before going up for these.

At last but not the least Vitamin A derivatives can be used which can help in stopping the cells in the skin from clumping together and encourage the skin to shed.Although, just like the above mentioned acne cures, these too have their side effects like emotional disorder, dryness, irritation, redness, and even birth defects.

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At some stage many of us have been trying to find ways on how to be completely acne-free. Following are the five types of acne treatment methods which can be divided into natural and not so natural acne treatments.

1. Witch Hazel Astringent

This astringent is derived from a plant which has the same name .It can be found in a wide range of areas from Nova Scotia in Canada to Texas and Florida. It is very simple to get the extract of this astringent.What you need to do is just steam the twigs of this plant and here you go !. But don’t forget to cool it though. The best thing about this is that it occurs naturally and even the process it has undergone is all natural. You will find it much less harsher compared to the other astringents which are produced commercially.

2. Commercially Produced Astringents

Astringents which are produced commercially are also very effective . You can choose from different variants which have additional ingredients that can clear your skin.

But there is also a downside that it can be a little harsh because there is a use of chemicals to produce it. Always use them with extra care to protect the skin from drying.

3. All-Natural Treatments

Not many of us are aware that kitchen and acne are the two enemies. The most common fruits and vegetabes which can be used for acne treatment are lemons , oranges , fresh garlic and raw potatoes.

– Squeeze oranges and lemons on cotton balls. The extract you get has to be applied on the affected areas and then wash it after about 20-25 mins.

– As far as fresh garlic is concerned, it is much easier to use. Just remove its peeling and rub it on your face.

– As for raw potatoes, peel them and rub its flat surface on your face.The natural extracts from these fruits and vegetables can help minimize the redness at the same time can clean the skin.

4. Topical Treatments
Externally applied creams are also proven effective for treating acne. However, it results to drying and flaking but it is said to be the most effective treatment for severe acne. One of the very common and effective topical treatment for acne is Benzoyl peroxide.

5. Oral Antibiotics

For severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. These medications are to be taken orally which reduces the amount of bacteria both inside and around skin follicles. They are also helpful in decreasing the exasperating checmicals that are produced by the white blood cells. Antibiotics also cretaes an anti-inflammatory action by reducing the concentration of fatty acids found in the sebum. Consult your dermatologist for the right antibiotic and dosage.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotic for acne treatment is Tetracycline. It is important to note that most of this antibiotic should ba taken empty stomach to avoid any side-effects. Also , this should not be taken by pregnant women and children below 9 years of age.

Usually, the starting dose is initially 500 milligrams twice daily and is continuously taken until prescribed, or until a considerable dropping off of lesions is visible.

For pregnant women Erythromycin can be prescribed which comes to be the second choice . However, it can cause nausea and even upset stomach. Unlike Tetracycline which can kill only common bacteria , Erythromycin has the properties of both killing bacteria as well as anti-inflammatory. Another difference is that this antibiotic should be taken after meals. Other possible antibiotics can be discussed with your physician and then compare their benifits and side-effects.

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Acne is generally a skin condition which is characterised by pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It is the most common of all skin issues and is most frequently found on the face, neck, again, and chest. Virtually everybody will develop acne, to some degree. Some people will get delicate instances, some average, and a few folks will get severe cases. Teens usually are not the only ones to get it. It typically affects those between the ages of 12 and 44.

Acne usually begins on the onset of early teenage, when the body will increase its manufacturing of androgens, which are the men sex hormones. These hormones stimulate of sebum which is an oily skin lubricant. If this sebum is secreted sooner then it might cross via the skin pores, a pimple develops. Most people get acne on their face, back or chest, but it could also appear on other components of the body which includes the arms and thighs.

Elements which will contribute to acne or pimples include improperfood plan, heredity, hormonal imbalance, menstrual cycles, oily skin,stress, allergic reactions, and using certain types of drugs. Along with the obvious viewable signs of acne, there could be an emotional affect as well. You can feel embarrassment and anxiousness due to their appearance. This may increasingly result in social withdrawal, depression, and temper changes.

In Acne treatment there is a distinction between skincare and pimples cure. Utilizing astringent lotions, pads that remove oil, and medicated bar soaps may help in preserving the pores and skin clean, however will most probably not stop you from having further pimples problems. Prescribed medicines and lotions might help, however will most probably not cure your acne. To actually treat acne and pimples, you need to get to the core of the acne condition not just mask the symptoms.

The most important organ of the body is the skin . One of its function is to get rid of toxins from the body by sweating. When the liver and kidneys are not able to completely discharge body toxins, the skin then begins to assist. As toxins are released from the body via the pores and skin, acne could also be triggered. It is important to keep the skin’s pores clear and open, however acne and pimples may still appear.

Curing your pimples by natural treatment involves cleaning the skin from the inside. Balancing the pure testosterone and estrogen discovered in the female and male body gets to the core of the problem. When there is excess estrogen and excess testosterone, as is frequent in the teenage years, acne and pimples might result. Therefore, attaining hormonal stability will cure pimples naturally, and have a longer-lasting effect. Exterior zits remedies usually mask the symptoms and are more short term.

A natutral acne treatment plan should be followed that includesbalancing your hormones, allows your body to heal itself from within and this way acne treatment will be much effective to last long.

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